Ido Chawan

Tsutuitutu -Oido Chawan- | Ido Chawan

post:2017-05-08 update:


Tea bowl Superstar

Tsutuitutu is comparability to Tenkasan-ido (Kizaemon, Hosokawa, Kaga). It is also said that it is a tea cup with astringent taste that tea ceremony person favor.

Cracking made “Tsutuitutu” priceless value?

It is a famous story that “Tsutuitutu” was attached to a song that appeared Hideyoshi who got angry in front of a bowl that was broken into five pieces. To appease Hideyoshi, One famous person said “Tsutsui Rubber – Five pieces broken …”. which became the origin of “Tsutuitutu” name, please check it.

The way it broken is very beautiful, the beauty of the way of penetration and splicing is also a first-class item. It is only this bowl not to give up one corner of the best bowl while cracking ido chawan.

A Tiny Story

This bowl is owned by personal so that it is hardly seen in real. If you have a chance to see “Tsutuitutu”, and if you were bowl-mania, you should not miss it! Maybe there are two or three times in our life to meet this bowl.


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-Ido Chawan


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