Ido Chawan

Uraku -Oido Chawan- | Ido Chawan

post:2017-05-04 update:

Tokyo National Museum

One more feature is favoured

“Uraku” is said to be Great Oido Chawan next to Kizaemon and Hosokawa. However, I personally think that it is not that good. The shape is wonderful, but the scenery is scarce. Shape is good but scenery is not good. A scenery with some more kannyu or glaze loss will make Uraku further beautiful bowl.

Owner’s name as it is

Since Oda Uraku possessed his bowl, it named after “Uraku”.The evaluation by the public is very high. Here the picture looks pretty good. It is a feeling that a little loom color is not vivid when you see it in real.

A Tiny Story

It is regularly exhibited at Tokyo National Museum. The entrance fee is also cheap, so please do not miss it if you have not seen it yet.


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-Ido Chawan


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