「 Honami Koetsu 」 一覧
2018/10/04 -Honami Koetsu
The best Japanese super artist, Leonardo da Vinci of Japan is said to be Koetsu Aya. He is a craftsm …
Azuma -Black Raku Chawan- | Honami Koetsu
2017/06/30 -Honami Koetsu
Kitamura Art museumowned:Kitamura Art Museum height:8.8cm top:12.0cm bottom:4.8cm The shape is standard Koetsu type As …
KuroKoetsu -Black Raku Chawan- | Honami Koetsu
2017/06/01 -Honami Koetsu
Kousetsu Art Museumowned:Kousetsu Art Museum height:N/A top:N/A bottom:N/A Seem to be inspired by Nonkou? The shape is …
MizuOkina -Black Raku Chawan- | Honami Koetsu
2017/05/14 -Honami Koetsu
Egawa Art Museum, rareowned:Egawa Art Museum height:7.5cm top:12.5cm bottom:5.2cm The origin of naming comes from the shap …
Bishamondou -Red Raku Chawan- | Honami Koetsu
2017/05/13 -Honami Koetsu
rareowned:personal hright:9.9cm top:11.9cm bottom:5.9cm An old-fashioned naming Typical Raku bowl that i …
Shitiri -Black Raku Chawan- | Honami Koetsu
2017/05/09 -Honami Koetsu
Gotoh Museumowned:Gotoh Museum height:8.2cm top:12.2cm bottom:5.2cm Have Koetsu been inspired by “Nonko …
Kagakoetsu -Red Raku Chawan- | Honami Koetsu
2017/05/05 -Honami Koetsu
rareowned:Sokokuji Art Museum height:N/A top:N/A bottom:N/A One of the typical Koetsu bowl Type Koetsu&# …
Seppou -Red Raku Chawan- | HonamiKoetsu
2017/05/03 -Honami Koetsu
Hatakeyama Museum, 重要文化財owned:Hatakeyama Museum height:9.4cm top:11.6cm bottom:4.2cm torso:12.9cm Accident made this bowl ex …
Otogose -Red Raku Chawan- | Honami Koetsu
2017/05/02 -Honami Koetsu
レア, 赤楽owned:personal height:9.0cm top:10.8cm bottom:4.0cm A rare superstar chawan Most of the items with n …
Fuzisan -White Raku Chawan- | Honami Koetsu
2017/04/24 -Honami Koetsu
半筒, 国宝, 白楽owned:Sanritsu Hattori Museum height:9.0cm top:9.6cm bottom:5.3cm The national treasure is its namin …