Honami Koetsu

Kagakoetsu -Red Raku Chawan- | Honami Koetsu

post:2017-05-05 update:

Sokokuji Art Museum

One of the typical Koetsu bowl Type

Koetsu’s bowls are classified into several types. “Kaga Koetsu” is a bowl shaped like a straight line with a sword and a sparp shape. The size is quite large and it is a bit too large to enjoy tea for one person. It’s astonishing with that white glaze could be solved on the skin with reddish color – like burning flames and white beautiful snow makeup. The darkening place with tiny light also makes this “Kaga Koetsu” more beautiful.

A Tiny Story

“Kaga Kotetsu” came out rarely. Where has it disappeared anywhere? If you could meet this, you are tremendous lucky person, so do not miss it.


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-Honami Koetsu


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