Ido Chawan

Rokuzizou -Koido chawan-|Ido Chawan

post:2017-05-01 update:

Senoku Museum

Rare bowls rarely met

This bowl is categorized different kind even in “Koido chawan”. Senoku Museum possesses Rokuzizou, but it is not displayed many times, the person who could see this bowl is lucky. According to the record of inheritance, Kobori Ensyu a famous tea person in Edo era is a godmother. It seems that it originated from what I found on the land of Rokuzo.

Unconventional, That’s why the birth of being born

Style can hardly see the promise of “ido chawan”. The hill is low, and kairagi can not be seen so much. The waist is also falling and the skin is not loose color. However, the face of entrance is very wonderful, as the scenery of the pale glaze hanging around the waist and prospects. And the yolk of the skin realized the golden ratio, and it has an exquisite appeal. This yellow skin and the pale light of the glaze came together and the cup bowl fainting is going to faint.The size is not so big, it may fit snugly in the hand. It is easy to imagine that green of Matcha will shine well will be obvious if you look at the real thing.

A Tiny Story

A bowl where the origin of naming is very interesting. It is said that it was attached to the place name. However, it should not be a teacup that will fall off with such an easy attachment. . . I want to believe.


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